safety Q and As |
Does the PBMR have a containment structure
that will prevent the release of radiation to the environment? |
The safety characteristics of the fuel used in HTR’s such
as the PBMR design ensure that no large scale fuel damage can occur.
In common with similar projects, total containment of radioactivity
was thus deemed unnecessary. It is, however, important to protect
the building from overpressure. Whilst containment is an appropriate
concept for reactors which use water as a coolant, Pebble Bed Modular
Reactor (SOC) has determined that it is more important to ensure
the building integrity by initially releasing the helium though filters
and then revert to a low-pressure, closed containment. This ensures
that – for all circumstances – practically all the radioactivity
outside the fuel is still retained inside the building. |
Is it true the US Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC) will not license a PBMR without a containment structure? |
PBMR is not aware of any such decision by the NRC. Recent NRC publications
indicate, however, that the NRC is intending to set rules relating
to building performance that would allow a low-leakage building
if the requirements for public dose are met. |
What happened with the fuel being
tested at the research reactors in Petten in the Netherlands in 2008.
Why did it fail? |
As part of the European Union (EU) development programme, fuel with
a higher enrichment produced earlier for the German programme, is
being irradiated in Petten to establish if fuel burn-ups higher than
those used in the past can be achieved without additional fuel failures.
Tests were performed with five fuel spheres relevant to the PBMR fuel.
The first four tests were completed successfully with exceptional
fuel performance observed. In one test, fuel was tested outside the
PBMR operational conditions (burn-up and temperature), and as could
be predicted, a single particle failed near the end of the test. All
test results were evaluated in depth with PBMR models and published
internationally. All observations could be explained, which confirmed
the boundaries of the fuel. The fifth test containing both German
and Chinese fuel spheres, is still ongoing with excellent fuel performance
observed so far. |
What is PBMR doing to ensure the fuel
to be manufactured at Pelindaba near Pretoria is the required quality? |
Coated particles from the fuel plant will be irradiated in various
reactors over the world as part of an international collaboration
effort. To this end, the first batch of coated particles containing
9.6 percent enriched uranium was sent to the US early in 2009 for
irradiation testing at the Idaho National Laboratory. Once production
line fuel is produced, a number of spheres will be irradiated in a
suitable material test reactor under PBMR operating conditions and
for the maximum indicated burnup. The failure rate must be within
the stated limits before the fuel can be loaded in the reactor.
PBMR has instituted a full fuel qualification programme that includes
coated particle, fuel material and complete fuel sphere testing. Fuel
will be independently tested under PBMR operating conditions in material
test reactors. PBMR will only be allowed to load fuel in the reactor
once the fuel qualification programme has been completed successfully
and the PBMR models have been validated. |
The Thorium High Temperature Reactor
(THTR) in Germany, which was intended to be the front-runner of the
world's first commercial pebble bed machine, operated between 1985
and 1988. Why was it closed down after only 3 years of operation? |
The contract of the utility with the German government was that
the government would pay for all extra costs of operation compared
to the equivalent coal fired plant next door. The calculated cost
for decommissioning as well as other items increased every time this
was recalculated. The government consequently felt it was being coerced
and refused to deposit the finances. The utility threatened to cancel
operation and when neither party budged, the reactor was stopped.
The then responsible minister, Dr Klaus Töpfer, was quoted as
saying at Davos (2003) that he thought he had made a mistake in halting
the Germany's High-Temperature Reactor programme. |
It is reported that the THTR had an
accident that released a large quantity of activity to the environment.
Is this true? |
There was an event in May 1986 when a manual action to insert absorber
spheres into the core was done in the wrong order. A quantity of the
primary helium coolant was released to the building and from the stack
to the outside. The released activity was below the limit where the
authorities needed to be informed. The event was, however, reported
in the quarterly review and nuclear opponents subsequently accused
the company and the government of hiding the facts. |
Some publications and web sites state
that the THTR had serious operating problems and that this is why
it was discontinued. |
The THTR was a demonstration power plant in several respects. As
could be expected, some teething problems were experienced, all of
which could be rectified. In the last full year of operation, the
THTR had an availability of 70 percent, which compared favourably
with other type reactors at the time. None of the technical problems
can be described as “serious”, nor were they the reason
for the discontinuation of the THTR. |
It is stated in some reports that
the THTR suffered from compaction of the fuel which could lead to
high fuel temperatures. Your comment? |
The initial loading of the fuel in THTR was done manually with people
walking on the pebble bed. This compacted the fuel, but it was corrected
when fuel circulation was started and the pebble bed attained the
expected density of about 61%. No high fuel temperatures were experienced. |
Some scientists claim the AVR research
reactor in Jülich, on which the South African pebble bed concept
is based, cannot be used as an example for high temperature reactor
design because it is so contaminated due to bad fuel performance.
Your response? |
The AVR contamination was mainly due to the use of experimental
fuel during its operating life. The unexpected high fuel temperatures
were only discovered shortly before shutdown in 1987. Due to the shutdown,
the reason for the high temperatures was never explained. PBMR is
consequently in the process of re-analysing the design and operating
history. The following issues have arisen and are being investigated:
* Why was the high fuel temperature not noticed?
* Were there hot spots?
* Why should the fuel manufactured by PBMR be better?
Read more... |
Some scientists believe pebble bed
reactors produce a lot of graphite dust that trap radioactivity which
can be released in an accident. Is this true? |
The modular pebble bed reactors are designed with fuel that will
not melt even at very high temperatures. Like the fuel in all nuclear
reactors, however, there is a phenomenon known as diffusion where
fission products can migrate from the fuel to the outside. In Light
Water Reactors (LWR’s) this is noticed when fuel rods start
to leak. In pebble bed reactors the silicon carbide (SiC) layer that
protects the uranium kernels provides a strong barrier to most fission
products, but at high temperatures (> 1000 °C) some fission
products start to diffuse through the layer into the matrix graphite.
These fission products may end up in the coolant and deposit on cool
parts of the system.
Due to the movement of the pebbles, some graphite is rubbed off from
the surface of the spheres. This “dust”, which contains
some of the released fission products like Caesium 137, settles in
stagnant or low flow areas of the main coolant loop. Should there
be a sudden break of a medium or large pipe, part of the dust will
go into suspension and may be carried out with the escaping gas. For
this reason the building has a dust filter in the stack to catch the
escaping dust, despite the fact that only a small proportion would
escape in such an event. The actual activity is low and only becomes
a factor when a 50-year dose is calculated.
Read more on the following:
1. What is diffusion and does it limit operating temperatures?
2. How does PBMR expect to measure the fuel temperature if it cannot
put sensors in the core? |
Is it not better to have a containment
building and not vent to the outside? |
LWR’s have a containment that can withstand high pressure
for a short time. This pressure is due to high temperature steam escaping
from a break in the pressure boundary. In case of a serious accident,
the loss of coolant may lead to part or total fuel damage (e.g. Three
Mile Island). This will release very high quantities of radioactive
material which must not escape into the environment. Studies over
the years for the PBMR and other HTR projects have shown that keeping
the gas at pressure over a long time, creates a bigger potential danger
to the public, as even small leaks or part containment failure will
lead to a higher public dose than would be the case if the first gas
volume is vented and filtered in a controlled way. Therefore all designs
so far have selected a vented, but closable containment. |
Block-fuel type High Temperature Reactors
do not produce graphite dust. Are they not better than pebble bed
designs? |
While it is true that block-fuel reactors do not produce graphite
dust, this is only one of the considerations when assessing the two
fuel formats. While the spherical sphere concept allows for online
refuelling, block-fuel reactors must regularly replace used fuel with
new blocks in a complicated change-out. After any change, some of
the fuel will, for the same gas temperatures, experience temperatures
well above those seen in pebble reactors. This will also lead to enhanced
Caesium release to the matrix graphite and eventually deposits in
the system.
From an economic viewpoint, the availability of on-line fuelled reactors
like the PBMR, is advantageous for applications where continuous operation
is needed, such as the petrochemical industry. |
Why does PBMR aim at such high gas
temperatures if this may produce added contamination? |
For the direct cycle selected by PBMR for electricity production,
the efficiency is directly dependent on the outlet gas temperature.
For process heat applications, however, such high temperatures are
not needed, except for the chemical production of hydrogen. PBMR aims
to demonstrate that high temperatures can be achieved without serious
contamination. Hydrogen production can therefore be a goal for high
temperature reactors with some development of high temperature materials
that are needed in the heat transport cycle. Note that very high temperatures
were inadvertently achieved in the AVR over the years, without noticeable
fuel damage. |
Why would PBMR not experience high
fuel temperatures without being aware of it, such as was the case
with the AVR research reactor? |
In the AVR, the highest fuel temperatures were experienced where
the fresh fuel entered the core. The gas flow was from bottom to top,
thereby causing the highest power levels where the gas was hottest.
The gas temperature, however, was not measured at the core exit, but
at a position where returning bypasses had reduced the gas temperature.
Inadequate analytical tools and lack of incentive caused the problem
to be unnoticed for a long time. For the PBMR, there will always be
more instrumentation as well as advanced analytical tools to predict
actual fuel temperatures much more accurate than was possible for
the AVR. Furthermore, for fresh fuel, the difference between the gas
temperature and the actual higher fuel kernel temperature is large
because of the high power per kernel for fresh fuel. In the PBMR,
however, this high power is at low gas temperatures. In planning the
AVR, gas bypasses were ignored. Analysis being performed by PBMR,
show that the bypasses and the flow direction were mainly responsible
for the high fuel temperatures.
In the PBMR, where the gas flow is from top to bottom, bypass gas
is diverted back to the core at the bottom. As there is no fresh fuel
at the bottom of the core, the power peak is well above the region
where gas temperatures are high. The result is that there is only
a small difference between the gas temperature (which can be measured)
and the fuel kernel temperature. |
Why was the fuel burn-up not measured
accurately at the AVR? Why should we believe PBMR has a better method? |
In simple terms, a reactor ceases to produce power when there is
insufficient fissile material in the core (usually U-235). For continuously
fuelled reactors like AVR and the PBMR this means that old fuel must
be removed and replaced with fresh fuel to keep the chain reaction
going. If the burn-up is not measured well enough, the core will shut
down due to lack of fuel. A serious consistent underestimate of the
fuel burn-up is therefore impossible. The AVR method, however, was
not very accurate so that a small percentage of the fuel could possibly
have stayed in the core longer than planned. The method selected for
the PBMR is much more accurate, but in the fuel qualification it will
be confirmed that longer stays in the core will not lead to additional
fuel failure. |
Would inaccurate fuel burn-up contribute
to fission product release? |
If some of the fuel remains in the core well beyond its planned
life, additional particle failures may occur. This is unlikely to
contribute much to the source term due to the large number of particles
(>6-billion). Any additional failures, should it be more than a
few tenths of a percent, will be noticed by the monitored level of
fission products in the coolant gas. |
It is claimed that the fuel sphere
flow was only measured with small glass spheres in a liquid. Can this
be a good prediction for actual pebble flow in the core? |
This is erroneous information. Extensive tests were done in experimental
facilities to test graphite pebble flows in a helium environment.
With newer analytical software, these experimental results are well
reproduced and there is confidence that actual flows will not deviate
significantly from the predicted values. Even should it happen, it
would not significantly contribute to changes in fuel behaviour. Read more... |
Reports state that the packing density
of the core may be much higher that predicted by PBMR and that this
caused AVR high temperatures and may do so in PBMR. Is that correct? |
For the PBMR spheres, there is a theoretical maximum packing density
of 0.74. This, however, applies only to hand-packed spheres in an
infinite array. There is plenty of experimental evidence that the
average value of 0.61 used in PBMR calculations is a very good value
to use and that deviations from this are predictable (near the walls)
and vary little. The same is true for the AVR. It is very unlikely
to have played a role in the high fuel temperatures found experimentally
at the end of life. |
Is it not true that in the AVR the
concentration of Cs in the outer layer of so-called modern fuel elements
was very high? |
Yes, but the concentration decreases towards the centre of the sphere.
This indicates that the contamination is from the outside by deposition
of Cs released from bad fuel still in the core. |
Does the PBMR design include emergency
cooling capabilities in case of a loss of gas coolant? |
Yes, there is a double redundant system to remove decay heat following
a cessation of active cooling for any scenario. This is to prevent
fuel temperatures rising to near the licensed limit which could lead
to long delays in restarting the reactor. The system is seen as mainly
for investment protection. |